Tutorial workshop sessions

Tutorial workshop sessions are planned at the end of the conference, on Friday afternoon (July 5,) and on Saturday morning (July 6). There will be two parallel sessions, thay are composed of two tutorials, 2 hours each (except on Saturday).

The tutorials are free of charge for the participants. To allow everyone to attend the tutorials, they will take place in an amphitheater. Participants can install the necessary package on their own laptop in advance. Here are the links:

  Line profile analysis for defect structure - http://csendes.elte.hu/cmwp/

  MAUD - Materials Analysis Using Diffraction - https://luttero.github.io/maud/

  Polycrystal plasticity simulations - 

  Crystallographic data acquisition - https://vbff.materials.cmu.edu/emsoft/

  ATEX – Software - http://www.atex-software.eu/

  MTEX - Matlab toolbox - https://mtex-toolbox.github.io/

  DAMASK crystal plasticity software - https://damask.mpie.de/release/index.html

  Crystallographic texture - 

  DREAM3D - https://dream3d.bluequartz.net/


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