Overall Program

Sunday, June 30, 16h-20h: Registration with welcome reception in the oldest building of Lorraine (Saint Pierre aux Nonnains).

During the conference week there will be 8 plenary lectures.
The oral sessions will be composed of lectures of 20 min.
Four parallel sessions.

Sessions are planned for morning and afternoon on July 1-3, mornings on July 4-5. 

Lunches: excellent French food will be provided (French Cuisine is Unesco World Heritage).

Tuesday 16h-18h30: poster session with beer and finger food.
Thursday afternoon: Excursions. Lunch boxes will be distributed before departure.
Thursday evening 19h-22h: Banquet (in the Robert Schuman Conference Center). 

Closing ceremony: Friday, 12h10, followed by lunch-box distribution. 

Tutorial workshops begin at 13h20 Friday afternoon and continue Saturday morning.



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