Publication of papers

There will be several possibilities for publishing papers:

Publication in Materials Characterization

Selected papers can be published in the international journal Materials Characterization (MATCAR), where a Special Issue will be created for regular papers. The Editors of the Special Issue will examine first the suitability of the proposed papers for publication in the Special Issue. Then all selected papers will go through the journal's regular peer review process. Only papers that meet the requirements of MATCAR will be proposed into the Special Issue. Editors of the Special Issue: Lionel Germain, Nathalie Gey, Benoit Beausir, Laszlo S. Toth.

The Editorial Manager submission system is now ready for article submission.

 Instructions for submission:

  1.  The submission website for this journal is located at
  2. Choose "Submit your article"
  3. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue you are editing, it is important that authors select “VSI: ICOTOM Research Paper and VSI: ICOTOM Review” they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
  4. Deadline for submission is end of September, 2024.

Publication in ICOTOM-20 Proceedings

The deadline for submission of full papers for the proceedings has been passed (September 30, 2024).

Only 12 papers were submitted. Most of them were satisfying the criteria for potential publishing in the Special Issue of Textures in the Q1-D1 ranked journal  Materials Characterization (see above).

The corresponding authors of those papers were advised to send their manuscript for that special issue, some of them were proposed to be improved before submission.

There remains too few number of papers to constitute a conference proceedings issue.

Therefore, there will be no conference proceedings of ICOTOM-20.

The organizing committee is thanking for the submitted contributions, and will advise the authors of the few remaining papers for sending their paper to selected journals. 

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